selected projects:
Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
Mayapur, West Bengal, India
Maypur India is the spiritual center of the Harry Krishna religion and is a rapidly developing rural area next to the Ganges River in Bangalore. Recognizing the need to better manage sanitation, REDI was invited to the property to assess local resources and capabilities to install a low-tech secondary wastewater treatment system using constructed wetlands for a series of new apartment complexes designed to house approximately 100 residents. As part of the scope of work, REDI identified local materials and skilled trades such that the system could be constructed by local people with identifiable resources.

Honolulu International Airport
Honolulu, Hawaii
REDI underwent a water audit for the three fishponds located in the International terminal of a Honolulu International Airport to determine methods to improve operations and maintenance costs while effectively removing the excess nutrients causing algal bloom. REDI led the design of constructed wetland systems with teaming partner John Todd Ecological and provided a cost-benefit analysis for their installation. Projected return on investment based was expected to be less than one year for the Airport.

University of Hawaii West Hawaii Campus
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
In collaboration with Palamanui, Urban Works and Biohabitats, REDI led the design of incorporating an onsite wastewater treatment system using constructed wetland technology and recirculating sand filter technologies to treat 100% of the wastewater onsite to be reused in a native landscape. REDI led the landscape design team for the nonpotable water landscape design, which also incorporated Low Impact Development for stormwater management. This included developing a Water Reuse Plan for permitting the State of Hawaii Department of Health. The project received LEED platinum status.

University of Hawaii West Oahu Campus Administration and Allied Health Building
Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii
In collaboration with KYA Design Group and Perkins & Will, REDI led the nonpotable water infrastructure design for the new UH West Oahu Campus Administration and Allied Health Building. REDI designed onsite greywater reclamation systems that collect and treat the building's sink water and air conditioning condensate recovery for reuse as irrigation. In addition to stormwater management, a rainwater catchment system and four bioretention gardens were designed to manage stormwater from the parking lots, roads and building roof. As part of the water conservation strategies, REDI also developed a conceptual soil restoration plan, since the building site is on former plantation agricultural lands where much of the topsoil has been lost. The goal was to rebuild carbon and nitrogen back into the soils using select interim plants. The project met LEED Gold status and was awarded three AIA design awards.

Kahalu’u Mai Kai Redevelopment: Cultural Education Center
Kahalu’u, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
REDI served as the lead ecological design consultant for the design of integrative water resource management strategies that highlighted ecological services for the 28-acre Kamehameha Schools’ Redevelopment project, Kahalu’u Ma Kai, a highly significant cultural, anthropological, ecological and educational site. The goals for the project included a restorative approach and one that demonstrates sustainability, resiliency and interaction with the students and visitors. REDI led the design of the following green infrastructure practices: Low Impact Development for the site including bioretention gardens and rainwater catchment controls, onsite greywater reuse and onsite wastewater (blackwater) treatment and reuse using constructed wetland technologies. REDI provided design services from Master Planning through Construction Documentation including providing cost analysis, Basis of Design reports for the Environmental Assessment and permitting for the proposed systems with the State of Hawaii Department of Health.

Puna Kai Shopping Center
Pahoa, Hawaii Island
REDI led the design-engineering of a 16,000 gallons per day constructed wetland wastewater treatment system for the new Puna Kai Shopping Center. The shopping center consists of retail, restaurants, and a new grocery store. It will be the largest shopping center on the island of Hawaii. The treatment system consisted of both primary treatment, trickling filters and constructed wetlands to produce clean water and serve as a sustainable feature for the center.

Neal Blaisdell Center Redevelopment
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
In collaboration with AECOM and Snøhetta, REDI provided onsite water management strategies and green infrastructure design for the Master Planning and Schematic Design of the Neal Blaisdell Center Redevelopment. Onsite water management systems assessed during master planning included both the capture of stormwater and building greywater supplies to reused onsite. Onsite green infrastructure systems REDI supported during schematic design included both rainwater catchment for use as a nonpotable irrigation supply and bioswales/bioretention systems to capture, filter and infiltrate stormwater. In addition, REDI provided design for the proposed new loi terraces and the brackish water fishpond natural treatment system using constructed wetlands to maintain high water quality standards in the pond.

Hoku Nui Maui Development
Makawao, Maui, Hawaii
REDI provided water-wastewater infrastructure planning for Hoku Nui Maui's 258-acre agricultural, residential and commercial development. REDI provided the design of clustered onsite wastewater treatment systems using ecological technologies to meet water quality suitable for onsite reuse for irrigation. In addition, REDI and its team underwent hydrological studies to determine strategic water management strategies to helped guide land-use choices and facility placement based on the ecological and hydrological capacity of the site and well as costs. Using the hydrological model, stormwater was designed to be conveyed and treated through green infrastructure practices that included swales and ponds for storage for irrigation (re)use. Design support included post-pond filter and irrigation design. In addition, REDI is guiding the site design toward a Net-Zero Water goal by meeting the various building and site water demands by strategically managing stormwater and treating the wastewater onsite for 100% reuse.

Modular Household Water & Wastewater Treatment Components
Port au Prince, Haiti
REDI worked with to develop comprehensive water and sanitation systems for a housing project as part of the rebuild of Port-au-Prince following the 2010 earthquake. The goals were to use local materials and have the ability to manufacture the systems locally to support building the local economy. Water and sanitation systems included rainwater harvesting, composting toilets, and the development of greywater banana -mulch circles.
Maui County Haiku Fire Station
Haiku, Maui, Hawaii
In collaboration with Architects Hawaii Ltd and REDI served as the lead designer for the design of a constructed wetland system to serve as a secondary treatment system for the proposed LEED platinum fire station. The system was engineered to meet Hawaii Department of Health standards for onsite reuse in a native plant garden.
Kona Village Redevelopment
Kona, Hawaii
REDI is serving as the lead ecological consultant for Kennedy Wilson for the Kona Village Redevelopment. REDI’s services included developing a water balance for the re-developed resort; a recycled water plan for irrigation; an assessment of the Ka’upulehu Fishpond; and ecological design of constructed wetlands to enhance the water quality in the pond.
Hā'ena State Park
Hā'ena, Hawaii
Following the April 2018 storm, the north shore of Kauai was significantly damaged by extreme floods. As part of the State of Hawaii Disaster Proclamation, REDI provided DLNR State Parks Division the design of large-scale green infrastructure systems for Hā'ena State Park to protect archeological sites, new infrastructure and the new parking structure that was being installed as part of the re-build. The design included developing hydrological modeling, terraced bioretention and the development of conceptual plans for stormwater mitigation at the end of the highway at Kee Beach.