selected projects:
community engagement & education
Green Machine
The Hawaii Nature Center, Makiki Oahu, Hawaii
The Green Machine (formally known as the Pilot Living Machine) is a tank-based constructed wetland wastewater treatment facility located in the Makiki Valley State Recreational area in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. It recycles wastewater from the Hawai‘i Nature Center for irrigation on-site in nearby fields. Constructed wetland technology uses the biology of Native Hawaiian wetland plants and bacteria to purify water. REDI works with Partners in Development to provide educational opportunities at the Green Machine for learners of all ages to learn about natural treatment systems and bioremediation.

Kalepolepo Beach Park & NOAA Whale Sanctuary
Kihei, Maui, Hawaii
REDI worked with the Water Institute for Sustainability Education to design-build a shower treatment garden and rain gardens for the Kalepolepo Maui County Beach Park showers and Maui NOAA Whale Sanctuary. In collaboration with WISE, Pono Project, Maui Nui Marine Resource Council and Surfrider Maui Chapter, REDI staff also provided educational outreach to NOAA and the community members during construction and in addition created educational signage for future education and outreach opporuntities for both visitors to the park and to the NOAA facility.

Windward Mall Rain Gardens
Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii
Working with Hui o Koolaupoko and Surfrider Oahu Chapter, REDI’s team is leading the retrofit design project to implement three bioretention systems (rain gardens) for the Windward Mall to capture, treat and recharge stormwater from sections of the Mall’s parking lots. Working alongside Hui o Koolaupoko, REDI staff hosted a community day for members of the community to come to the site and learn more about rain gardens and native plants while helping to plant the systems at Windward Mall.

University of Hawaii Maui College Bioretention System
Maui, Hawaii
In collaboration with the Water Institute for Sustainability Education (WISE), the Sustainable Living Institute Maui (SLIM) at the University of Hawaii Maui College, and Tri-Isle RC&D, REDI provided design-build services for an educational rain garden to treat and recharge storm water onsite from a Maui Campus Buildings. The rain garden, located in the center of the UHMC Community Garden was planted with native Hawaiian plants REDI also provided a 2-day teacher workshop training for local Maui K-12 teachers to learn about integrated water resource management, rain gardens and projects they could implement on their respective campuses.